


http://www.jphma.org/fukyu/country_1011110_Sleep.html にて

ホメオパシー国際評議会(ICH)秘書官のスティーヴン・ゴードン氏から 不眠治療研究で、ホメオパシーが有益であるという結果の研究論文につき、
   JPHMAに報告がありました。同論文は米国の Elsevier(エルゼビア)社発行「Sleep Medicine」というジャーナル に 受理され、論文公開されています。


Sleep Med. 2011 May;12(5):505-11. Epub 2010 Jul 29.

Effects of homeopathic medicines on polysomnographic sleep of young adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia.

Bell IR, Howerter A, Jackson N, Aickin M, Baldwin CM, Bootzin RR.
Department of Family and Community Medicine, The University of Arizona College of Medicine



(1) 論文そのものの問題点



 この論文では、Coffea Cruda と Nux Vomica という2種類のレメディーが選択されている。これについては、

 Multiple studies on healthy animals have shown measurable effects on sleep of three different homeopathic remedies at potencies prepared to a dilution past Avogadro’s number (Histamine,Coffea Cruda, and Nux Vomica) compared with placebo. Each remedy at a 30c potency altered sleep patterns notably with differential effects on electroencephalographic delta frequency (0.5–2.5 Hz) power during sleep [19–22]. Other investigators have demonstrated effects of Nux Vomica 30c on alcohol-induced sleep time in mice [23,24].
Clinically, homeopaths report that Coffea Cruda patients are mild and timid, but also irritable and oversensitive to all types of sensory stimuli, especially noise, as well as to positive emotions [25,26]. Nux Vomica as a homeopathic remedy is used clinically to treat people with competitive, irritable and impatient Type A-like behavioral patterns and tendencies to abuse alcohol, caffeine, and other substances. Both Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica patients report insomnia in the middle of the night as a symptom
[27]. Taken together with the clinical reports, the animal EEG sleep data provide a basis for selecting Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica as candidate homeopathic remedies to test in the first homeopathic PSG research on human subjects.

となっている。一つは動物実験においてこれら2つのレメディーが睡眠パターンの変化を示したこと。もう一つはホメオパシーの臨床ではこれら2種類のレメディーを投与する患者の症状として不眠が見られること、となっている。しかしながら、これら2種類のレメディーは元々「知覚刺激や肯定的感情に対して過剰に反応する人 (Coffea Cruda)」「攻撃的で、起こりっぽく、我慢のきかない A型様の行動パターンを示す人 (Nux Vomica)」「アルコール、カフェイン、その他の物質に対する中毒傾向のある人 (Nux Vomica)」に用いると明記されている。つまりこの研究で取り上げられたレメディーの効果は、睡眠障害を直接治療するのではなく、不眠を起こしやすい性格傾向をもっている人たちの性格傾向を改善することによって、不眠を起こしにくくする、という彼らなりの病態生理に基づいているものであることが分かる。




と高らかに謳っている。論文の掲載されたSleep Medicine誌は睡眠医学の一般臨床誌であるので、論文の記述の内容はまだ謙抑的であるが、これがホメオパシー関連団体のフィルターにかかると、いつのまにかレメディーが睡眠障害の特効薬であるかのような書きぶりになってしまう。


The primary purpose of the present within-subjects feasibility study was to examine the PSG effects of one dose of placebo versus either Coffea Cruda 30c or Nux Vomica 30c in relatively healthy young adult human subjects with a past history of coffee-induced insomnia. Because of the importance of person-centered factors in clinical expectations of remedy effects [27,28], inclusion criteria included individual difference traits of increased levels of either anxiety sensitivity or of Type A cynical hostility. Based on the animal studies, the remedy effects were hypothesized to include changes in both quantity and quality (variability in sleep stage changes and in awakenings after sleep onset) of NREM sleep, especially slow wave sleep, after controlling for within-subject baseline sleep patterns and placebo effects.


(2) Methods


2.1. Subjects
 Potential subjects were identified by screening young adult male and female college students (age range 18–31) enrolled in the introductory psychology class at the University of Arizona, for scores on the 16-item anxiety sensitivity index (ASI) [29], the 27-item Cook–Medley Cynical Hostility Scale (CMHO) [30], and one 5-point rating item on self-rated physical health [31]. All potential subjects had to score P3 out of 5 on a rating of global health and give a history of coffee-induced insomnia in the past.
 The anxiety sensitivity and hostility classifications were used to select the study participants, such that individuals were chosen to be high hostile (above CMHO mean, below ASI mean) or high anxiety sensitive (below CMHO mean, above ASI mean). Above- and belowmean cutoffs for inclusion in the high anxiety sensitivity subgroup were P16.8 for males and P19.1 for females on the ASI and <11.0 on the CMHO; for the high hostility subgroup <16.8 for males and <19.1 for females on the ASI and P11.0 on the CMHO. These cutoffs were determined by the study statistician using the mean scores computed from the first 1036 people screened for the study and are comparable to means published with similarly aged samples [32–35]. Subjects were dynamically assigned [36] to one of the two remedies, Nux Vomica or Coffea Cruda, using their CMHO and ASI scores, age, and sex as balancing factors.


(1) アリゾナ大学の心理学入門講義の受講生
(2) 健康状態が良好である
(3) コーヒーによる不眠歴がある者
(4) 16-item anxiety sensitivity index (ASI)、27-item Cook–Medley Cynical Hostility Scale (CMHO)のいずれか一方だけが平均以上の者

である。このうち (1)については、[1]年齢構成に偏りが生じやすいこと [2]同じ講義を取っている学生であるので、実験者の知らないところで研究についての情報がやりとりされる恐れがあること などの問題が挙げられる。(2)については、一般的な身体的健康の評価であり、健康状態が悪くて睡眠に影響を及ぼす可能性を排除するためと考えられる。(3)についてはなぜこのような基準が選ばれたのかが不明である。この論文は不眠に対してレメディーの効果を見るものではないので、不要であるようにも思えるが…。(4)についてはASIというテストが「知覚刺激や肯定的感情に対して過剰に反応する人 (Coffea Crudaの適応)」、CMHOが「攻撃的で、起こりっぽく、我慢のきかない A型様の行動パターンを示す人 (Nux Vomicaの適応)」を選別するものである。最後の一文は、この研究が無作為割り付けでない事を明示しているものであり、研究を評価する上で重要な要素である。


2.2. Procedures

 Participants underwent a total of eight all-night PSG and actigraphic recordings in their own homes, distributed as 4 weekly pairs of consecutive nights (Week 1 baseline; Week 2 single-blind placebo pellets on night 8; Week 3 repeat baseline; Week 4 double-blind verum homeopathic remedy pellets on night 22). Thus, PSGs were performed on nights 1–2, 8–9, 15–16, and 22–23 of study participation. Subjects were instructed not to consume alcohol on the day of the recordings and not to consume caffeinated
beverages or tobacco for 6 h prior to each PSG, but were otherwise encouraged to maintain their own habitual dietary and sleep–wake patterns in order to obtain naturalistic data.
 The inclusion of baseline recordings on nights 1, 2, 15, and 16 enabled the establishment of typical sleep characteristics as a control for detecting effects of taking pellets on nights 8 and 22. Although subjects took no pellets on nights 9 or 23, most homeopaths claim to see evolving changes over time in patients for days to weeks and even months after administration of even a single 30c potency dose to patients [37–41]. Basic science and animal studies offer some empirical support for such an assertion [21,42–44].
Therefore, with the clinical prediction of carryover effects from pellet night 22 to no-pellet night 23, the placebo week with recordings on nights 8 and 9 were similarly structured. Because of the claim of persistent effects of homeopathic remedies for variable periods of days to weeks after the last dose [45], the placebo condition was always placed prior to the 2-arm verum condition in time rather than attempting a simultaneous placebo versus remedy or counterbalanced crossover design (see also Walach’s entanglement considerations for homeopathic study designs [46]).
All subjects completed the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) [47,48] five times during the study, at baseline prior to the PSG sessions, and at the end of each study week. Prior to lights out on PSG nights, subjects also completed a profile of mood state (POMS) [49] scale. Bedtimes and sleep periods varied in accord with each individual’s customary bedtime and waking time habits.
Nevertheless, subjects were asked to choose the specific consecutive two days of the week when the weekly recordings occurred and to undergo the PSGs on the same two days of the week for each of the 4 weeks. Subjects completed a daily morning sleep quality rating over the 4 weeks of participation.


日数 投薬 PSG測定 備考
1 なし あり ベースライン測定
2 なし あり ベースライン測定
8 プラセボ あり 一重盲検
9 なし あり  
15 なし あり ベースライン測定
16 なし あり ベースライン測定
22 レメディー あり 二重盲検
23 なし あり  



Because of the claim of persistent effects of homeopathic remedies for variable periods of days to weeks after the last dose [45], the placebo condition was always placed prior to the 2-arm verum condition in time rather than attempting a simultaneous placebo versus remedy or counterbalanced crossover design



The primary purpose of the present within-subjects feasibility study was to examine the PSG effects of one dose of placebo versus either Coffea Cruda 30c or Nux Vomica 30c in relatively healthy young adult human subjects with a past history of coffee-induced insomnia.

 つまりこの論文の目的は「feasiablility study」、つまり「方法可能性の検討」なのである。レメディー投与によるPSGパターンの変化を観察することが第一目的で、レメディーが睡眠障害に効果があるかどうかをみるのが主目的ではないのである。だから査読者も先の弁明を受け容れたのだと推測する。それにしても論文の中でわさわざこのような弁明をするというのは「ホメオパシーの世界では質の高い研究はできません」と公に告白しているようなものである。しかし条件設定をよく考えて適切な統計処理を施せばホメオパシーでも十分質の高い研究は可能である。ただし結果は保証しない。
